Are you ready to transform your life? To break free from the things that are holding you back, unlock your potential, and harness the power of your mind to make the positive changes you’ve been dreaming of? Then you’re in the right place.

ALCHEME works with a ground-breaking method of therapy called RTT® (Rapid Transformational Therapy).

RTT® is a unique therapeutic approach that combines the most effective elements of Hypnotherapy, NLP, and traditional psychotherapy to rapidly identify, understand and transform the subconscious root cause of an issue, rather than analysing or treating the symptoms. RTT® enables you to fundamentally rewire your mind so you can create lasting, positive change from the inside out.

ALCHEME also offers classic life coaching services, which can be booked as a standalone service, or in combination with RTT® to provide extra support on your journey.

What we can help with

Our RTT® and coaching programs can help with a wide variety of challenges, and often achieve success where other methods fail. Some examples of areas we can work on include:

Curious if it could work for you?

Imagine what it would feel like to…

Hello, I’m Kata.

I’m a certified Rapid Transformational Therapist, Hypnotherapist, and Transformational Coach, and I’m the founder of ALCHEME.

I’m happy you’re here. Because the simple fact that you’re reading these lines, tells me that you’re already on your way…

You’ve made the decision to change your life. And I would love to help you with that.

I created ALCHEME because I believe everyone should have the opportunity to be their best self and live their best life, and I believe that the world would be a better place if we all did.

The key lies in understanding and harnessing the power of your mind.

This is what I teach my clients, guiding them to identify and transform subconscious blocks, overcome physical or emotional challenges, and break harmful patterns or self-sabotaging behaviours through a unique blend of hypnotherapy, RTT® and coaching.

I work with clients worldwide in the comfort of their own homes via ZOOM, and also offer in-person sessions in Mexico City.

If you're curious about the potential of leveraging your mind for positive change, consider booking a FREE consultation.

The Process

  • Define your desires

    What is it you truly want? What is the change you’re seeking? Gaining clarity is the first step.

  • Change your mind

    Identify, understand and reprogram the subconscious root cause of what’s holding you back.

  • Transform your life

    Harness the power of your own mind to hardwire-in positive changes and create a new reality.


“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”


How it works

ALCHEME’s approach is founded on a deep understanding of and reverence for the power of the mind, and, more specifically, the power of our thoughts to affect, and indeed create our reality.

While this may sound like magic, it’s really just science. Neuroscience, to be precise.

The human mind has evolved to perform one primary job: To keep us alive. In order to do so, the mind always endeavours to move us away from pain, and towards pleasure; away from the unfamiliar towards the familiar; away from what it thinks we don’t want towards what it thinks we do want.

And the mind ascertains what it is we want by means of the words and pictures we provide it: The more we think a certain thought, the more the mind thinks that’s what we want, and the more it conspires to move us towards it.

What we focus on, we get more of.

You can see how this can be incredibly useful if used intentionally and correctly. However the prerequisite for that is for us to be aware of, and able to consciously direct our thoughts…

The reality is that much of our lives are directed by thought patterns and beliefs that are not only unintentional, but indeed unconscious. We’re often completely unaware of the thoughts and beliefs that shape our daily experiences, and while some of these beliefs may have served a purpose in the past, many may no longer align with our highest good, or may even be detrimental.

The empowering truth though is that you created these beliefs, so you have the power to uncreate them and recreate them.

ALCHEME guides you through this transformative process, helping you make the unconscious conscious so you can reclaim agency over your beliefs and rewire your mind to free yourself from whatever is holding you back from living the life you desire.

What my clients say.

Ready to change your life?

Explore ALCHEME’s offerings below or book a free consultation to receive a personalised plan of how we could work together.

Coaching Programmes

Events, Workshops + Retreats (coming soon)

Become the alchemist of your life.

Become the alchemist of your life.